A Q-switched Nd : YAG laser designed for Asian skin, the MIIN Laser is a powerful yet soft laser treatment that is specialised to treat Melasma and Pigmentation. It can achieve excellent therapeutic effect while minimising skin damage by generating 6 multiple pulses at a maximum output power of 3,000mJ. Its’ unique patented multi-pulse technology can produce powerful energy that is effective in treating dermal pigment.
MIIN Laser can produce a uniform beam profile, excellent in treating pigment lesions, enabling restoration of damaged skin, and patients can see visible results after 1 session. With its’ stable energy output, excellent durability, low maintenance cost, and user friendly interface, MIIN Laser device is the next Q-switched Nd : YAG laser that you need to have for treatment of pigmented lesions, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, tattoo removal, and skin tone improvement.

Active Q-switching Multi-pulse

Laser Treatment & Application
MIIN Toning

MLA Handpiece
MIIN Laser comes with the Micro Lens Array (MLA) handpiece that has over 120 micro lens, and it can generate plasma under the skin, achieving the Laser Induced Optical Breakdown (LIOB) effect that is excellent for skin regeneration, scar reduction, pore improvement, and skin tone improvement.

Special beam profile
LTRA Global’s special optical laser technology, which was born with years of research and development, is excellent for treating pigment lesions, enabling restoration of even damaged skin such as pigmentation.
Stable energy output
The constant output energy is maintained even for long-term laser treatment. The laser beam is irradiated steadily on sensitive and difficult skin, and it is challenged to zero side effects of laser treatment.